Legal Notice

  1. Website Owner

This website is maintained by NSN [Company name: AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L., a company incorporated under the laws of Spain, with Tax Identification Code (NIF) B67599506, a company registered in the BARCELONA Companies Register (Registro Mercantil), Volume 47272, Folio 206, Page 546854, entry 1 (3.03.2020) and with address for the purposes of compliance with Article 10 of the Spanish Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, at RAMBLA CATALUNYA, 2-4, 3rd floor, 08007, BARCELONA (Spain)].


  1. Purpose of the Website

AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. provides information and data (hereinafter referred to as “content and/or services”) to general users (hereinafter referred to as “users”) who access the website (hereinafter referred to as “the website”). The content of this website is provided and created by our company. Due to the nature of the website, the content of these terms may be partially revised or changed. Therefore, users are obligated to access these terms each time they visit the website, assuming that the applicable conditions at the time of access will apply.


  1. Access to the Website

Access to this website does not require prior registration by users. However, registration through appropriate procedures is required to view certain content on the website or to receive newsletters. In any case, the data entered by users during the registration process must be accurate, up-to-date, and truthful.


  1. Proper Use of Services

Users are expected to use the services diligently, accurately, and legally, and the following actions are strictly prohibited:

– Using the services in ways, purposes, or effects that violate laws, morals, generally accepted good customs, or public order; 

– Reproducing, copying, distributing, publicly communicating, modifying, or altering the services unless authorized by the rightful owner or legally permitted;

– Engaging in actions considered an infringement of intellectual property rights or industrial property rights belonging to AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. or third parties;

– Using any information obtained through the website for advertising, direct sales communications, or other commercial purposes, or sending unsolicited messages to multiple people, or selling or disclosing such information by any means.

Users are responsible for any damages of any kind that AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. may suffer as a result of breaching the aforementioned obligations, other obligations contained in these general terms, and/or legal obligations related to the use of the website.

Minor users must use the website with the consent of their parent, mother, or legal guardian, who will be responsible for any issues arising from the purchase or use of services on the website.

AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. reserves the right to interrupt the services or exclude users from the website at its discretion if it suspects any criminal or offensive behavior as defined by current criminal law or considers actions that disrupt the proper functioning, image, reliability, and/or prestige of AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L.


  1. Code of Conduct

Users can interact in certain sections of the website by contacting AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L., sharing sections through the blog, or social networks as long as they adhere to the following code of conduct:

– Users cannot impersonate other individuals or entities, which could constitute minor or major offenses as per the Spanish Penal Code and Civil Code.

– The use of rude or offensive language is prohibited. Messages containing threats, serious insults, or comments that may offend sensitivities will not be accepted. AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. reserves the right to delete such content and take appropriate legal action.

– Promotion, mention, recommendation of companies, websites, marketing, or spam activities is strictly prohibited. Such content will be removed along with the account involved in such activities and reported to the Spanish Data 


  1. Property Rights

All content on the website, including text, opinion articles, graphics, photos, logos, icons, images, graphic design, source code, and software, is the exclusive property of AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. or third parties legally holding them and is protected by national and international law.

Commercial use of all elements subject to intellectual and industrial property rights, as well as their distribution, modification, alteration, or reverse engineering, is strictly prohibited.


  1. Exclusion of Warranties and Liability

AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. reserves the right to suspend access to services at any time without prior notice for technical, security, control, maintenance, power outage, or other legitimate reasons.

Thus, AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. does not guarantee the reliability, availability, or continuity of the website or services, and users use them at their own risk. AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. is not responsible for:

– The use of materials available on the website that infringe intellectual or industrial property rights, whether allowed or not.

– Errors or problems arising from the operation of search tools, content configuration or placement, and technical elements that make up the services.

– Content of pages accessible from the links on the website.

– Actions or omissions of third parties, whether linked to AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. by contract or not.

AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. excludes liability for any damage caused by viruses or harmful elements present in the content that may alter computer systems, documents, or systems. AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. is not responsible for:

– Errors or delays in accessing services due to users entering data in the relevant forms, issues on the internet, or unforeseeable events beyond the good faith of AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L.

– Malfunctions caused by inappropriate or malicious use of the services.

– Non-operability or issues with the email address provided by users for information transmission.

In any case, AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. commits to providing all necessary support to resolve any issues that may arise quickly and satisfactorily.


  1. Links to Other Websites

AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. is not responsible for any damages incurred from accessing third-party services/content via links, nor for their accuracy or reliability. The purpose of the links is to inform users of other information sources on the internet that may expand the services provided by the portal. AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. is not responsible for the results obtained through these links or for the consequences of users accessing these links. Users must exercise caution when evaluating and using the information or services on third-party content.

It is explicitly prohibited to place commercial-purpose hyperlinks to this website on websites not owned by AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. without explicit consent. The presence of hyperlinks to non-affiliated websites does not imply any commercial or trade relationship with the owner of the linked web page or endorsement by AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L.


  1. Data Processing and Use of Cookies

In accordance with the Spanish Organic Law 3/2018 on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, personal data provided through the website or by sending emails will be incorporated into files processed by AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. for purposes described in the privacy policy. AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. is committed to maintaining confidentiality and taking necessary measures to prevent alteration, loss, unauthorized processing, or access to personal data.

When personal information is collected, users will be informed of the collection purpose. Users are responsible for the veracity of the data provided.

Users can exercise their rights to access, rectify, restrict processing, delete, oppose, and data portability by sending written communication to AGENCY BY SPORTS AND LIFE, S.L. at the email address: . Complaints can be filed with the Spanish Data Protection Agency if necessary.


  1. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

In case of disputes, both parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of Barcelona, Spain, waiving any other jurisdiction.